Codeunit definition

All of the business logic for handling the requirements is defined in a GiftManagement codeunit, as follows:

codeunit 50101 "GiftManagement_PKT"{ procedure AddGifts(var SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header") var     SalesLine: record "Sales Line"; Handled: Boolean; begin     SalesLine.SetRange("Document Type", SalesHeader."Document Type");     SalesLine.SetRange("Document No.", SalesHeader."No.");     SalesLine.SetRange(Type, SalesLine.Type::Item);     //We exclude the generated gifts lines in order to avoid loops     SalesLine.SetFilter("Line Discount %", '<>100');      if SalesLine.FindSet() then     repeat         //Integration event raised         OnBeforeFreeGiftSalesLineAdded(SalesLine, Handled);         AddFreeGiftSalesLine(SalesLine, Handled);         //Integration Event raised ...

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