Calling Stored Functions from Queries

As mentioned earlier, stored functions may be called from within SQL statements. Since stored functions can in turn make calls to stored procedures, it can also be said that stored procedures may be called, albeit indirectly, from within SQL statements. Since stored functions may be used in expressions, they may be included wherever expressions are allowed in a query, including:

  • The SELECT clause

  • The WHERE clause

  • The GROUP BY and HAVING clauses

  • The ORDER BY clause

  • The START WITH clause (for hierarchical queries)

  • The FROM clause (indirectly by using inline views or TABLE statements)

One of the most common uses of stored functions is to isolate commonly-used functionality in order to facilitate code reuse and simplify maintenance. For example, imagine that you are working with a large team to build a custom N-tier application. In order to simplify integration efforts between the various layers, it has been decided that all dates will be passed back and forth as the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970. You could include the conversion logic in all of your queries, as in:

SELECT co.order_nbr, co.cust_nbr, co.sale_price,  ROUND((co.order_dt - TO_DATE('01011970','MMDDYYYY')) * 86400 * 1000)
FROM cust_order co

However, this could become somewhat tedious and prove problematic should you wish to modify your logic in the future. Instead, build a utility package that includes functions for translating between Oracle’s ...

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