Scala templating in Play

Play supports the use of Scala code within views and also provides a couple of helper methods to ease the process of defining a view.

We've created different views till now. Let's see how they are actually rendered. Consider the view for the Task Tracker app we saw in Chapter 1, Getting Started with Play.

@(tasks: List[Task], taskForm: Form[String]) @import helper._ @main("Task Tracker") { <h2>Task Tracker</h2> <div> @form(routes.TaskController.newTask) { { error => <p class="error"> @error.message </p> } <form> <input type="text" name="taskName" placeholder="Add a new Task" required> <input type="submit" value="Add"> </form> } </div> <div> <ul> { task => <li> @form(routes.TaskController.deleteTask( ...

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