Modifying virtual machines

Modifying a virtual machine can be divided into many categories. We have divided it as follows:

  • CD drives and floppy drives
  • Hard disks
  • Network adapters and USB devices
  • Passthrough devices
  • Snapshots
  • Resource configuration and policies
  • Managing VMware tools

As given in the preceding list, we will start with managing CD drives and floppy drives:

We will use the following cmdlets to manage the CD drives and floppy drives in a VM:

  • Get-CDDrive / Get-FloppyDrive
  • New-CDDrive / New-FloppyDrive
  • Remove-CDDrive / Remove-FloppyDrive
  • Set-CDDrive / Set-FloppyDrive

To get a list of connected CD or floppy drives, we can use the Get-CDDrive or Get-FloppyDrive cmdlet. For example, by running this cmdlet, we can find out that the Test-1 VM is currently ...

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