Importing data into a SpatiaLite database

Importing data into a SpatiaLite database is easy using the DB Manager. SpatiaLite supports the following commonly-used formats, as well as many other formats, for importing files:

  • Shapefile (.shp)
  • dBase (.dbf)
  • Text (.txt), Commas Separate Values (.csv), and Excel spreadsheets (.xls/.xlsx)
  • AutoCAD DXF (.dxf)
  • Geography Markup Language (.gml)
  • Keyhole Markup Language (.kml)
  • Geometry JavaScript Object Notation (.geojson)
  • Scalable Vector Graphics (.svg)

Let's use DB Manager to import data in a few different formats into our GiffordPinochet.sqlite database.

Importing KML into SpatiaLite

To import a KML file into a SpatiaLite database, complete the following steps:

  1. Open DB Manager by clicking on DB Manager under Database ...

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