Serializing objects in XML format

The JSON serialization was a direct representation of the C++ objects and Qt already provides all we need. However, the serialization of a C++ object can be done with various representations in an XML format. So we have to write the XML ↔ QVariant conversion ourselves. We have decided to use the following XML representation:

<[name]> type="[type]">[data]</[name]> 

For example, the soundId type gives this XML representation:

<soundId type="int">2</soundId> 

Create a C++ class XmlSerializer that also inherits from Serializer. Let's begin with the save() function, here is XmlSerializer.h:

#include <QXmlStreamWriter> #include <QXmlStreamReader> #include "Serializer.h" class XmlSerializer : public Serializer { public: ...

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