Discussing Chefbot interface packages on ROS

After confirming the serial values from the board, we can install the Chefbot ROS package. The Chefbot package contains the following files and folders:

  • chefbot_bringup: This package contains Python scripts, C++ nodes, and launch files to start publishing robot odometry and tf, and performing gmapping and AMCL. It contains the Python/C++ nodes to read/write values from the LaunchPad, convert the encoder ticks to tf, and twist messages to motor commands. It also has the PID node for handling velocity commands from the motor commands.
  • chefbot_description: This package contains the Chefbot URDF model.
  • chefbot_simulator: This package contains launch files to simulate the robot in Gazebo.
  • chefbot_navig_cpp ...

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