Creating a Reactive Controller

Creating a Spring Reactive Controller is very similar to creating a Spring MVC Controller. The basic constructs are the same: @RestController and the different @RequestMapping annotations. The following snippet shows a simple reactive controller named StockPriceEventController:

    @RestController    public class StockPriceEventController {      @GetMapping("/stocks/price/{stockCode}")      Flux<String> retrieveStockPriceHardcoded      (@PathVariable("stockCode") String stockCode) {        return Flux.interval(Duration.ofSeconds(5))        .map(l -> getCurrentDate() + " : "         + getRandomNumber(100, 125))        .log();      }     private String getCurrentDate() {       return (new Date()).toString();     }     private int getRandomNumber(int min, int max) { return ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(min, ...

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