
Flux represents a reactive stream emitting 0 to n elements. The following snippet shows a simple Flux example:

    @Test    public void simpleFluxStream() {      Flux<String> stubFluxStream = Flux.just("Jane", "Joe");      stubFluxStream.subscribe(new SystemOutConsumer());      }

A couple of important things to note are as follows:

  • Flux<String> stubFluxStream = Flux.just("Jane", "Joe"): We are creating a Flux using the Flux.just method. It can create simple streams with hardcoded elements.
  • stubFluxStream.subscribe(new SystemOutConsumer()): We are registering an instance of SystemOutConsumer as a subscriber on Flux.

The output is shown in the following screenshot:

The following snippet shows a more complex example of a Flux with two subscribers:

 private ...

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