The TMS file structure

Check the file structure in the following code block:

<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'utf-8'?> 
<mapsource inline ='true' version = '8.2'> 
<connection class = 'OpenStreetMap' max-scale-level = '16.0' max-stretch = '1.0' min-shrink = '1.0' port = '80' server = '' url-format = ' tile/d/{L}/ol/{Z}/{X}/{Y}{D}.png?apikey = {K}&amp;size={P}'  
  Username = 'tabmapbeta'/> 
<layer display-name = 'Base' name = 'base' show-ui = 'true'            type = 'features' request-string = '/' /> 
<layer current-id='...' display-   name = 'Population' group = 'US Population' name = '...' prepend- date = 'true' show-ui = 'true' type = 'data'/> </layers> <map-styles> <map-style display-name = 'Light' name = '...'> <map-layer-style ...

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