CHAPTER 6Real-Time Demonstrations–A Truly Special Experience!Live Demonstrations Present New Challenges and Opportunities to Crush Your Competition

Customer requests for real-time demonstrations (demos) are becoming more and more commonplace. Technology has progressed to a point where many aspects of a product, network, subsystem, or complete system can be thoroughly demonstrated to and evaluated by the customer in near real-time. When customers ask for demonstrations, a significant amount of extra preparation and planning is required as a part of the presentation process. This section of Mastering the Art of Oral Presentations deals with the special issues associated with real-time demonstrations that are integrated into the overall presentation process.

Understanding the Demo Requirements

Understand What Your Customer Is Looking for in a Live Demo and Thoroughly Address All Their Requirements and Concerns

When a customer asks for a demo, there is usually a very good reason and rationale for doing so. Clearly, there are many reasons that may motivate a customer’s request for a live, real-time demo. The demo might address a particular operating feature that has high value to the customer, it might address a specific risk, it might serve to eliminate bidders that are not prepared to conduct a demo, or it might simply be to test the commitment and honesty of the seller.

An astute seller should attempt to find out what is driving the requirement for a demo and ensure the demo ...

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