Chapter 73. Life = Sales
Blair Singer
Every entrepreneur knows that Sales = Income. Ninety-five percent of most businesses fail not because of bad ideas, products, or services, but because the business or people in it either can't sell, don't know how to, don't want to, or refuse to learn how to sell.
It's also why more than 95 percent of most people never become rich. It's because they don't have the ability or confidence to sell their ideas, their dreams, their plans, or even their brilliance. Many think that "sales" is a dirty word—something reserved for a used car lot.
You may claim "I'm not a salesperson" or "That's not me." But I will tell you that if Sales = Income, then Life = Sales: physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially. I defy you to find any arena in your life where someone is not involved in a high-stakes (in their own mind) pitch to gain influence, favor, or action.
The thought "I don't sell"' is not only inaccurate, it is downright debilitating. The more you can instill confidence in others and get them to take action on your notions, the better you sell, the better you lead, and the more income you create. And that's all kinds of income: wealth, money, trust, companionship, and even love.
This is true in business, with your kids, with your significant other, and with everyone you associate with. Politicians are constantly pitching you. Doctors are pitching their prognosis and attorneys are pitching to their clients and for their clients. In pubs, ...
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