Chapter 37
Seven Direct Mail Secrets Guaranteed to Create a Stampede of New Business
If you think junk mail doesn't work . . . you're absolutely right! However, using highly targeted direct mail will almost always work. Maybe you've heard that 1 percent or 2 percent is the industry standard—well, I'll show you how you can multiply that figure many times over.
A common story I hear from my clients is how they mail out thousands of glossy, beautiful brochures with pretty pictures, flowery text, and everything looking absolutely gorgeous, but they get zero response. So they mistakenly believe direct mail does not work.
What could be the problem?
You see direct mail when done wrong is almost always a huge waste of money. But when it's done right you can expect tremendous results and profits. That's why doing right only means only one thing in my book—getting results!
Direct mail can become the most predictable and consistent way to generate more customers, yet most businesses are guilty of doing it wrong simply because they've never been taught these jealously guarded secrets. With these seven secrets your next mailing campaign will be a massive success.
Secret 1: Your List Is the First and Foremost
Your mailing list is essential to your success. Let's say you were selling snow tires—you wouldn't want to send out your offer to people in Phoenix, right? Well, as silly as this sounds, many people will make this same mistake. You cannot just pick a random resident list of ...