What's on the Web Site

This appendix shows a list of the shell scripts and functions that are included on this book's companion web site, Each of the shell scripts and functions has a brief description of the purpose.

Shell Scripts

Chapter 1


This file has the basic framework to begin writing a shell script.


This script is used to set up RSA OpenSSH keys for no-password access to a remote machine. This script must be executed by the user who needs the keys set up.


This script is used to set up DSA OpenSSH keys for no-password access to a remote machine. This script must be executed by the user who needs the keys set up.


This is a generic shell script to copy files using rsync.


This shell script uses a select statement to create menu options for general system information.


This script is used to test and display the composition of a character string based on common criteria.

Chapter 2


This script shows the different ways of reading a file line-by-line. Again, there is not just one way to read a file line-by-line and some are faster than others and some are more intuitive than others.


This script is used to create a random-character text file that is the size, in MB, specified on the command line.

Chapter 3

There are no shell scripts to list in Chapter 3.

Chapter 4


This ...

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