
Note to the Reader: Throughout this index boldfaced page numbers indicate primary discussions of a topic. Italicized page numbers indicate illustrations.


a in date formats, 211

A/P in time formats, 212

Abs function, 226

absolute cell addresses, 632

absolute cell ranges, 633

Accelerator property, 351

check boxes, 357

command buttons, 360

option buttons, 358

toggle buttons, 358

AcceptAllRevisions method, 174

Access, 739

creatable objects, 747

databases. See databases

DoCmd. See DoCmd object

functions, 251252, 252, 741

Macro Builder utility, 105, 490, 741743, 742

macros, 739740

creating, 741742, 742

translating, 743744

modules, 741

object model, 746, 746

Option Compare Database statement, 745746

overview, 739740

procedures, 105

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