Amalgamating validation and visuals
Let's now utilize some of the techniques that we discussed in the previous chapter to design a visually appealing user interface that highlights validation errors in a novel way, using our glowing example. We'll first need to add some more resources to use in this example. Let's start by adding two further glow brush resources to the GreenGlow
brush resource from the previous chapter:
<RadialGradientBrush x:Key="BlueGlow" Center="0.5,0.848" GradientOrigin="0.5,0.818" RadiusX="-1.424" RadiusY="-0.622" RelativeTransform="{StaticResource GlowTransformGroup}"> <GradientStop Color="#CF01C7FF" Offset="0.168" /> <GradientStop Color="#4B01C7FF" Offset="0.478" /> <GradientStop Color="#1101C7FF" Offset="1" /> </RadialGradientBrush> ...
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