Chapter 6


A matchmover’s primary concern is usually cameras. After all, it’s the matchmover’s responsibility to take an image sequence and provide a CG camera that precisely mimics the camera that filmed that sequence. Matchmovers must know not only where the camera was positioned and which way it was facing, but also what focal length and format were used. To make solving matchmoves easier and more precise, it is invaluable to know how real-world cameras work.

Chapter Contents

  • How Film Cameras Work
  • Lenses
  • Film Backs
  • Format
  • Lens Distortion
  • Capture and Digitization
  • Keeping It All Straight

How Film Cameras Work

Whenever I’m on set, I marvel at the sheer complexity of a film shoot. Dozens of crew members, lights, props, the set, producers, ...

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