Chapter 13 Running hot: Using materials at high temperatures
- 13.1 Introduction and synopsis 274
- 13.2 The temperature dependence of material properties 274
- 13.3 Charts for creep behaviour 280
- 13.4 The science: diffusion and creep 282
- 13.5 Materials to resist creep 292
- 13.6 Design to cope with creep 295
- 13.7 Summary and conclusions 302
- 13.8 Further reading 303
- 13.9 Exercises 303
- 13.10 Exploring design with CES 305
- 13.11 Exploring the science with CES Elements 306
Material properties change with temperature. Some do so in a simple linear way, easy to allow for in design: the density, the modulus and the electrical conductivity are examples. But others, particularly the yield strength and the rates of oxidation and corrosion, ...
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