Theorem 20.3.7. Let A : l2 be a bounded linear operator. Assume that A* A : is invertible on . Then, the operator T+ : l2 defined as T+ ≜ (A*A)−1A* is a left-inverse of A, i.e., A+ A = I, where I is the identity operator on . Moreover, the general solution T of the equation LA = I is given by

L = A +  + M(Il2  AA + ),

where M : l2 is an arbitrary bounded linear operator and Il2 is the identity operator on l2.

Applying this theorem to the operator T we see that all left-inverses of T can be written as

L = T +  + M(Il2  TT + ),


where M : l2 is an arbitrary bounded linear operator and

T +  = (T*T)  1T*.

Now, using (20.48), we obtain the following important identity:

T +  = (T*T)  1T* = S  1T* = T˜*.

This ...

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