Chapter 1

1. (a) Population: high school students. Sample: 2000 high school students. Statistic 47%. (c) Population: people living in the United States Parameter: 13.9%.

3. (a) Observational study. (b) No, we cannot establish causation. The participants were not randomized into the two groups. (c) No, we cannot generalize to all urban American adolescents.

5. n/N.

Chapter 2

1. images = 12, m = 11.5. images = 2.26, images = 2.39. No, not the same.

3. (a) No. (b) No. (c) f is linear. (d) f is an increasing (or decreasing) function and n is odd.

5. (a) Favor: 1885; Oppose: 930. (b) The summary command indicates that there were many nonresponses. The table command does not give any indication that there were nonresponses.


(d) 80.4% of gun owners favor the death penalty, and 65.3% of non-gun owners favor the death penalty.

7. (a) True.


(b) True.

9. Hint: Show that the function is symmetric about θ: f(θ − x) = f(θ + x).

11. F−1 (y) = a so a and a are the desired quantiles. ...

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