
Basic MATLAB Functions for Linear and Non-Linear Optimization

3.1 Solutions of Equations and Systems of Equations

MATLAB allows you to solve equations and systems of equations using the commands below:

solve(‘equation’, ‘x’)

Solves the equation in the variable x.

syms x; solve(equ(x), x)

Solves the equation equ (x) in the variable x.

solve(‘eq1,eq2,…,eqn’, ‘x1, x2,…,xn’)

Solves n simultaneous equations eq1,…, eqn (in the variables x1,…, xn).

X = linsolve (A, B)

Solves A * X = B for a square matrix A, where B and X are matrices.

x = nnls (A, b)

Solves A * x = b in the sense of least squares, where x is a vector (x ≥ 0).

x = lscov(A,b,V)

Solves A ...

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