Here is the explanation for the preceding code:
- The first two steps define the figure using plt.figure(), axes, and data, and plots the polar graph on the figure.
- window = fig.canvas.manager.window gets access to the wxPython application through its window.
- def update(event): is the callback function for the wx.Slider() widget. Here, we have to pass the event argument to the function:
- n=n_slider.GetValue() gets the current value of the slider. Please note the difference in syntax compared to what we had for Tkinter.
- The remaining three steps of this function are exactly the same as with Tkinter.
- n_slider = wx.Slider(window, wx.ID_ANY, 3, 3, 10, size=(250,10), style=(wx.SL_AUTOTICKS | wx.SL_HORIZONTAL | wx.SL_LABELS))