How it works...

Here is the explanation for the preceding code:

This is the first plot:

  • g = sns.FacetGrid(snacks_sales, col="Promotion", row="weekend", height=3) creates the grid:
    • snacks_sales is the input DataFrame.
    • col="Promotion" specifies Promotion as the column variable.
    • row="weekend" specifies weekend as the row variable.
    • height=3 specifies the height of each of the plots in the grid.
    • A default aspect ratio of 1 is used, which means width is same as height.
  • g =, "Cookies", bins=10, color='m') plots a histogram on all plots of the grid:
    • bins=10, specifies the number of bins in the histogram.
    • color='m', specifies to use magenta as the color.

This is the second plot:

  • g = sns.FacetGrid(snacks_sales, col="Promotion", ...

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