Chapter 16Simultaneous equations
In Chapter 13, we considered the simple linear regression model
where yt and ut are scalar random variables and xt and β0 are k × 1 vectors. In Section 15.8, we generalized (1) to the multivariate linear regression model
where yt and ut are random m × 1 vectors, xt is a k × 1 vector, and B0 a k × m matrix.
In this chapter, we consider a further generalization, where the model is specified by
This model is known as the simultaneous equations model.
Thus, let economic theory specify a set of economic relations of the form
where yt is an m × 1 vector of observed endogenous variables, xt is a k × 1 vector of observed exogenous (nonstochastic) variables, and u0t is an m × 1 vector of unobserved random disturbances. The m × m matrix Γ0 and the k × m matrix B0 are unknown parameter matrices. We shall make the following assumption.
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