Finally, all of these new realizations of how the organization works at a business logic level, along with how changes can achieve business benefits, must be incorporated into an expanded view of leadership’s role in ensuring that knowledge exists within the organization to make effective use of this opportunity. Vision, alignment, motivation, and inspiration remain the hallmarks of how leadership differs from management. Yet this vision must include an evaluation of collective leadership knowledge of how business processes operate, as well as a program to either fill the holes or determine how to support executives during this period.

Although some organizations have evolved during the last couple of decades and currently incorporate some of these principles in their leadership and management approach, we have found that most others have not and remain constrained by organizational paradigms (cognitive principles) that may have served them well years ago but now serve to limit their corporate effectiveness. As leaders consider the concepts presented in this book, they should take stock of the insights and figure out how to incorporate them into programs where they find understanding lacking. What action is needed and figuring out how to incorporate these insights will vary from business to business, but the combination of the new insights, in some form, provides the opportunity for any business to improve its organizational performance using ERP systems and to achieve ...

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