Exhibit D3. Responses to Survey

1 = Strongly Disagree; 4 = Strongly Agree
1. My organization encourages and rewards effective use of information.
Most people agreed
The most frequent answer was “Agree”
Strongly Disagree 3 percent
Disagree 36 percent
Agree 55 percent
Strongly Agree 6 percent
Average 2.64
StdDev 0.65
Var 0.43
2. In my organization, information asset management focuses on automated systems.
Most people agreed
The most frequent answer was “Disagree”
Strongly Disagree 3 percent
Disagree 39 percent
Agree 39 percent
Strongly Agree 18 percent
Average 2.73
StdDev 0.80
Var 0.64
3. A big problem with information I use or deal with is its accuracy.
Most people agreed

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