Chapter 10Methods of Data Collection

With the planning accomplished, the project is ready for execution. From the evaluation perspective, data collection becomes the first task after execution. Essentially, data are collected at four different levels (reaction, learning, application, and impact), matching the levels described in previous chapters. This chapter presents the methods of data collection that span all levels. The list is comprehensive, beginning with questionnaires and ending with monitoring business performance data from the system and records. The chapter concludes with tips on selecting the data collection methods to use on specific projects.

Using Questionnaires and Surveys

The questionnaire is probably the most common data collection method. Questionnaires come in all sizes, ranging from short surveys to detailed instruments. They can be used to obtain subjective data about participants' perceptions as well as to document data for use in a projected ROI analysis. With this versatility and popularity, it is important for questionnaires and surveys to be designed properly to satisfy both purposes.

Types of Questions and Statements

Five basic types of questions or statements are available. Depending on the purpose of the evaluation, the questionnaire may contain any or all of the following types of questions:

  1. Open-ended question. Has an unlimited answer. The question is followed by ample blank space for the response.
  2. Checklist. A list of items. A participant ...

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