1.8. Review Questions

  1. Which of the following Windows Server 2008 editions support Active Directory Domain Services? (Choose all that apply.)

    1. Web edition

    2. Itanium edition

    3. Standard edition

    4. Enterprise edition

    5. Datacenter edition

  2. You need to create a DHCP server. Which editions of Windows Server 2008 will support this role? (Choose all that apply.)

    1. Web edition

    2. Itanium edition

    3. Standard edition

    4. Enterprise edition

    5. Datacenter edition

  3. Your company is consolidating servers and has decided to use the virtualization features in Windows Server 2008. A single server will be used to support five virtual servers. What editions support this? (Choose all that apply.)

    1. Web edition with Hyper-V

    2. Itanium edition with Hyper-V

    3. Standard edition with Hyper-V

    4. Enterprise edition with Hyper-V ...

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