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294 Index
Government bonds 37, 72–80, 139, 206
see also Bonds
Granularity 51–2, 122, 162
GreaterOrEqualTo 154
Grey markets 139
Grid computing, concepts 3
GrossReturn 65
Gzip 215, 217
Harold, Elliotte Rusty 26
Hartley, James 120, 216
Headers, concepts 59–61, 65–9, 79–84,
100–3, 124
Hierarchical structures
data content hierarchy 36, 152, 154
MDDL 35–7, 61, 152, 154, 209
XML basics 26–7, 33, 35–6
High 211–13
High prices 85, 211–13
Historical pricing
MDDL examples 90–2
see also Prices
HolderActionSubclass 131–6
HTML transformation, XML 18, 78
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
184–9, 215–16
Human resources
costs 13, 15, 16–18
data-usage links 12–13, 15–16
selection criteria 15–16
XML market data standard 15–16
Hybrid professionals
background 3
see also Business systems analysts
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
184–9, 215–16
IBAN (International Bank Account
Number (ISO 13616)) 56
IBEI (International Business Entity
Identification (ISO 16372)) 12, 56,
111–16, 128, 175
IBES 110–16
IBID (Interbank BID) 128
IBM 18, 99–102, 114, 181
MQ Series transportation layer 18, 184
Rational Rose Data Manager model
reconciliation example 99–102
IBOR 128–30
ICMA (International Capital Market
Association) 181
Identification data 6–9, 11–18, 23–4, 26–7,
36–7, 43–4, 49, 50–1, 54, 64, 73–84,
87–97, 100–2, 104, 110–16, 136–9,
concepts 6–9, 11–18, 23–4, 36–7, 50–1,
54, 73–80, 110–16, 136–9
financial instruments 16, 26–7, 37, 43–4,
49, 50–1, 54, 64, 73–84, 87–97,
100–2, 104, 110–16, 122–3, 136–9
trading venues 54–6, 64, 110–16
see also Reference data
IMF (International Monetary Fund) 174
Income funds, investment funds
IncomeType 154–5
Index futures, MDDL examples
Index tracker bonds 145–6, 148–52
Index-linked securities 86–90, 126,
140–1, 146–7
concepts 86–90, 126, 140–1, 146–7
MDDL examples 140–1, 146–7
IndexDomain 38, 209
Indication of Interest (IOI) 9
Indicators, concepts 6–9, 31, 38, 126–30,
170–1, 209
IndicatorsDomain 31, 38, 126–30,
170–1, 209
IndicatorsType 122
Indices 39–40, 86–90, 126–9
Industry standards see Standards
IndustryIdentifier 118–19
IndustrySpecificClass 31, 209
inflation-protected bonds 126–9
rates 39–40, 126–9, 141

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