Chapter 3MDM Profiles, Policies, and Groups

Last chapter you set up Azure, chose an MDM service, purchased a domain name, and hooked up all the wires so your on-prem AD user accounts synchronized to Azure AD.

This chapter is a little less hectic. In this chapter, we have four goals:

  1. Create your first MDM policies.
  2. Get to know some of the inner workings of how the guts of MDM policies are constructed.
  3. Utilize third-party ADMX files.
  4. Learn how to create and leverage MDM groups to target policies.

So, let’s get started.

MDM Policies and the Policy CSP

People like to say that MDM is like Group Policy because they use Group Policy as the original model of what can be done with a machine with Group Policy.

For instance:

  • Group Policy can deploy ...

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