Step 5Take control
Time is the one asset we all have exactly the same amount of and no-one, no matter how wealthy, stealthy or sneaky, can buy or steal more of it. And this is precisely why we need to move away from a mindset that time needs to be managed. Your time is money, and just like your money, it needs to be consciously and wisely invested for the greatest possible return. For the greatest possible bang for your buck.
You already know this — time is there to be invested, not managed (and definitely not wasted).
Today, the first thing you are going to invest your time in is reflecting on how far you have already come. You have worked through the first four of The 5 SMART Steps and you have:
- identified your key time challenges
- identified your core values
- mapped a few days of your life in detail
- considered what a better day would look like
- gained a true understanding of the four cost lenses
- identified which of the four costs resonates most strongly with you
- determined your Musts, Wants, Delegates and Rejects
- rejected your total rejects
- set up smarter systems for your partial rejects
- started outsourcing
- started insourcing
- started to put yourself first by locking in some Me Time.
Congratulations — you have officially taken control of your time! You have already proven that you can instil new habits. Now you need to sustain the changes you have made.
Maintaining momentum
Gyms stay in business for one reason, and one reason only: they have a lot of unmotivated members who ...
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