This chapter presents a methodology for the analysis of studies comparing two methods wherein both take multiple measurements on each subject. It focuses on two types of repeated measurements data—unlinked and linked. The usual steps in analysis consist of displaying data, modeling of data via a mixed-effects model, and associated evaluation of similarity and agreement. With repeated measurements, one can also evaluate repeatability of each method, which amounts to self-agreement. The methodology is illustrated with two case studies.
Let Yijk denote the kth repeated measurement of the jth method on the ith subject. The data consist of Yijk, k = 1,...,mij, j = 1, 2, i = 1,...,n. Here n is the number of subjects in the study and mij is the number of measurements of method j on subject i. It is assumed that mij ≥ 2. Let Mi = mi1 + mi2 and , respectively, denote the total number of measurements on the ith subject and in the entire dataset. When mi1 = mi2, we will use mi to denote the common value. Moreover, when the mi are equal, the common value will be denoted by m. The design is balanced if each method has the same number m of measurements on every subject, otherwise it is unbalanced. Measurements on the same subject are dependent, whereas those from different subjects are assumed to be independent. It is necessary ...
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