Abbreviations and acronyms
ABCP | Asset Backed Commercial Paper |
ABS | Asset Backed Security |
AFS | Available For Sale |
AIG | American International Group |
ALM | Asset Liability Management |
ASF | Available Stable Funding |
bAJD | basic Affine Jump Diffusion |
BBA | British Bankers' Association |
BCBS | Basel Committee on Banking Supervision |
BSL | Balance Sheet Liquidity |
c.l. | confidence level |
CBC | CounterBalancing Capacity |
CC | Central Clearing |
CCS | Cross Currency Swap |
CD | Certificate of Deposit |
CDO | Collateralized Debt Obligation |
CDS | Credit Default Swap |
CEBS | Committee of European Banking Supervisors |
cfAR | cash Flow At Risk |
CFP | Contingency Funding Plan |
CIR | Cox, Ingersoll and Ross (model) |
CM | Clearing Membership |
CMBS | Commercial Mortgage Backed Security |
CME | Chicago Mercantile Exchange |
CP | Commercial Paper |
CPR | Constant Prepayment Rate |
CRT | Credit Risk Transfer |
CSA | Credit Support Annex |
CVA | Credit Value Adjustment |
DF | Discount Factor |
DVA | Debit Value Adjustment |
EAD | Exposure At Default |
EBF | European Banking Federation |
EC | Economic Capital |
EEA | European Economic Area |
EFC | Expected Funding Cost |
EL | Expected Loss |
ELoP | Expected Loss on Prepayment |
EM | Empirical Model |
ENE | Expected Negative Exposure |
Eonia | Euro overnight index average |
FAS | Financial Accounting Standards |
FASB | Financial Accounting Standards Board |
FC | Funding Cost |
FCAVL | Forward Cumulated A Vailable Liquidity |
FFT | Fast Fourier Transform |
FO | Financial Option |
forex, FX | Foreign eXchange ... |
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