8 Organizational Mediations

According to Vincent Rouzé (2010), mediation is a symptom of our present-day society to which different governments or organizations and the media refer in their daily activities. Rouzé reminds us that Jean Davallon’s use of the term in ICS implies at times the technology–human relationship and at times an anthropological definition of culture as the link between individuals and the community, public/private or past/present. This means that there are several mediators – language, body, places, technologies – which are linked to our individual as well as social “being” (Davallon 2003).

Rouzé (2010) concludes his article as follows:

“As technologies and increasingly more global exchanges give prominence to the instantaneous nature of connections and flow dynamics to the detriment of contents, the growing significance of mediation is simultaneously evidence of consensus and dissensus as well as the creation of networks inherent in the communication system, but it also more globally encourages us to consider other ways in which citizens can become involved in building our societies” (p. 87).

Mediation plays a key part in building our society. As Lamizet (2000) claims, it is mediation that, through its social and cultural dimensions, establishes us as social subjects and consequently implements all the dynamics specific to sociability (Lamizet).

8.1. Organizational theories

According to Christian Le Moënne, the ambivalence of the term “organization” ...

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