Chapter 8: Extreme multistability, hidden chaotic attractors and amplitude controls in an absolute memristor Van der Pol–Duffing circuit: dynamical analysis and electronic implementation

Justin Roger Mboupda Ponea; Foutse Momob; Guillaume Honore Koma; Ingrid Ornela Lowe Komboua,c; Sifeu Takougang Kingnid; Alain Tiedeue    aResearch Unit of Automation and Applied Computer (RU-AIA), Electrical Engineering Department of IUT-FV, University of Dschang, Bandjoun, CameroonbBiomedical Engineering, Energy and Modeling Laboratory (BEEMo.Lab.), Higher Institute of Science and Technology (HIST), University of Mountains, Bangangte, CamerooncResearch Unit of Condensed Matter, Electronics and Signal Processing (RU-LAMACETS), Department of Physics, Faculty of ...

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