Chapter 10

Ensuring Successful First Meetings between Buyer and Seller


check Exploring the benefits of face-to-face meetings

check Organizing a management meeting

check Presenting the company to Buyers

check Getting ready for a facility tour

check Gauging the effectiveness of a meeting

After Buyer has reviewed the book (or offering document — see Chapter 8) and submitted an indication of interest (see Chapter 9), the next step is to meet with Seller’s key management and/or ownership. The management meeting (run by Seller) provides a financial update (and any other pertinent updates) and allows a prospective Buyer to interact with Seller. It may even include a tour of the facility. Think of it as M&A dating.

In this chapter, I introduce you to meetings and more meetings all kinds of meetings.

Understanding the Importance of Meeting in Person

Over the years I have advised my clients that the management meetings effectively take the proceedings from black and white into Technicolor. A company described ...

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