Chapter 9
Selecting Advisors
Identifying the advisors needed in M&A transactions
Differentiating between inside and outside advisors
Examining how entities are taxed in transactions
Ringo Starr nailed it. Well, actually, John Lennon and Paul McCartney nailed it; Ringo just sang the line. No, they didn’t sing about selecting advisors, but they did intone the importance of others when Ringo sang, “With a Little Help From My Friends.” And the truth of that phrase is eternal because whether those friends are genius writers of timeless pop music or the lawyers, accountants, and business advisors who help you engage in M&A activity, we can all use a little help from time to time. This chapter helps you pinpoint those advisors and ensure strong communication.
Choosing Wisely: Identifying Ideal Advisors
Whether you’re a buyer or a seller, successfully completing M&A transactions requires a skilled team of advisors who have negotiating experience, the right temperament to deal with many different personalities, and the willingness to listen to you whine and pout.
At the core, a deal is very simple: A buyer gives a seller money or some other store of value in exchange for ...
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