Mergers and Acquisitions

Book description

Supplemented annually to keep accountants up-to-date with the latest SEC requirements, this completely revised edition focuses on the entire process of Mergers and Acquisitions-—from planning through post-acquisition integration. Readers will find helpful step-by-step guidance on reviewing an acquisition candidate, setting up and implementing computer system transactions, accounting for the business combination, and tax compliance and regulatory considerations.

Table of contents

  1. Copyright
  2. About the Authors
  3. Preface
  4. 1. Merger and Acquisition Overview
    1. Introduction
    2. Central Role of Strategic Planning in the Merger and Acquisition Process
      1. General
      2. Investment Considerations
        1. Strategic Fit
        2. Speed of Implementation
        3. Cost of Implementation
        4. Synergistic Benefits
      3. Impact of Globalization
      4. Enhanced Risk
    3. Types of M&A Activity
      1. General
      2. Mergers versus Acquisitions
      3. Large Public versus Small Private Acquisitions
        1. Strategic Impact
        2. Regulatory Requirements
        3. Stock or Asset Purchases
        4. Leverage of the Parties to the Transaction
        5. Risk Profile of the Transaction
      4. Strategic versus Financial Acquisitions
      5. Portfolio Acquisitions of Holding Companies
      6. Other Characterizations of Acquisitions
      7. Divestitures versus Sales of an Entire Business
    4. Transaction Overviews
      1. General
      2. Acquisition Process
        1. From Process Initiation through Target Qualification
        2. From Valuation through Preliminary Agreement
        3. From Due Diligence to Approval to Proceed to Contract
        4. Contract and Close
        5. Postacquisition Integration
      3. Sales Process
        1. Prenegotiation Preparation
        2. Negotiation
        3. Due Diligence
        4. Contract and Close
      4. Divestiture Process
        1. Divestiture Planning
        2. Transaction Preparation
        3. Transaction Execution
      5. Importance of Proper Planning and Disciplined Implementation
    5. Role of the Financial Manager in Mergers and Acquisitions
      1. General
      2. Coordination
        1. Internal Coordination
        2. Coordination of External Experts
      3. Financial Analysis
        1. Financial Criteria and Metrics
        2. Valuation
      4. Determination of Deal Structure
        1. Assets versus Stock
        2. Earn‐Outs
        3. Working Capital Adjustments
      5. Due Diligence
        1. Establishing Due Diligence Objectives
        2. Managing the Due Diligence Process
        3. Reporting on Results
  5. 2. Candidate Search and Qualification
    1. Introduction
      1. Strategic Considerations
      2. Phases of the Acquisition Process
    2. Overview of the Search and Qualification Process
      1. General
      2. Early Identification of an Acquisition Candidate
      3. Importance of Structure and Discipline
      4. Continuous Evaluation
    3. Creation of a Core Acquisition Team
      1. General
      2. Role of the CEO
      3. Need for the Involvement of the CFO
      4. Role of the M&A Attorney
    4. Search Effort
      1. General
      2. Research
      3. Use of the Internet
      4. Networking
      5. Conclusion
    5. Candidate Screening
      1. Basic Criteria
        1. Availability
        2. Strategic Fit
        3. Liabilities
        4. Size
        5. Growth Characteristics
        6. Profitability
        7. Potential Synergies and Efficiencies
      2. Identification
      3. Contact with the Target Company
      4. Confidentiality
      5. Meeting with the Principals of the Target Company
      6. Qualification
      7. Mutual Agreement
    6. Acquisition Charter
      1. Acquisition Charter
      2. XYZ Corporation
      3. February 2007
        1. Targeting Objectives
        2. Profile Data
        3. Acquisition Criteria
  6. 3. Valuation and Preliminary Agreement
    1. Introduction
    2. Valuation Overview
      1. Conceptual Framework
      2. Publicly Traded Acquisition Targets
      3. Synergy
        1. Revenue Synergies
        2. Cost Synergies
        3. Impact of Synergies on Purchase Price
      4. Privately Held Acquisition Targets
      5. Valuation Approaches and Methodologies
        1. Income Approach
        2. Asset‐Based Approach
        3. Market Approach
    3. Valuation Modeling
      1. General
      2. Preliminary Information Request
      3. Normalization of Historical Results
      4. Establishing Stand‐alone and Investment Value
      5. Validation of Value by Use of Multiples
      6. Comparing Valuations to Investment Criteria
      7. Use of a Comprehensive Model
    4. Acquirer's Internal Approval to Proceed
    5. Establish a Mutual Understanding of Broad Terms of the Transaction
    6. Documentation of the Broad Terms of the Transaction
      1. General
      2. Content of Letter of Intent
    7. Request for Information to Be Used in Due Diligence
    8. A Survey of Valuation Methodology and Techniques
    9. Valuation Model
      1. Standard of Value
      2. Operational Analysis
      3. Financial Analysis
      4. Valuation Approach
        1. Income Approach
        2. Asset‐Based (Cost) Approach
        3. Market Approach
      5. Valuation Methodology
        1. Capitalization of Earnings
        2. Discounted Earnings Method
        3. Price/Earnings Ratio Method
        4. Dividend‐Paying Capacity Method
        5. Net Asset Method
        6. Excess Earnings (Return on Assets) Treasury Method
        7. Excess Earnings (Return on Assets) Reasonable Rate Method
        8. Guideline Method
        9. Direct Market Data Method
        10. Rule of Thumb and Formula Method
      6. Analysis of Discounts and Premiums
        1. Discount for a Minority Interest
        2. Premiums
        3. Discount for Lack of Marketability
      7. Estimate of Value
    10. Synthesizing the Estimate of Value: Final Comments
    11. Illustration of Letter of Intent
    12. Illustrative Information Request
    13. XYZ Software CO
      1. General
      2. Financial
      3. Human Resources
      4. Legal/Real Estate
      5. Customer Information, Order Entry, and Billing Systems
      6. Shipping/Production
      7. Sales and Marketing
      8. Business Planning and Development
      9. Product/Technology
      10. Miscellaneous Operations
    14. Endnotes
  7. 4. Preparing for and Executing Due Diligence
    1. Introduction
    2. Creation of the Due Diligence Team
      1. General
      2. Composition of the Due Diligence Team
      3. Other Considerations
    3. Development of the Due Diligence Program
      1. General
      2. Key Aspects of the Due Diligence Program
    4. Planning Due Diligence
    5. Conducting Due Diligence
      1. Components of the Due Diligence Review
      2. Other Considerations
    6. Reporting on Due Diligence
      1. General
      2. Summary Report
      3. Final Approval Document
    7. Variation on the Theme: Auctions
      1. General
      2. Auction Process
    8. Acquisition Due Diligence Checklist
    9. Business Overview
      1. Company Background and Organization
      2. Review of Proposed Transaction
      3. Management
      4. Related Party Transactions
      5. Labor Force
      6. Product Development and Production
      7. Research and Development
      8. Marketing
      9. Legal and Regulatory Matters
      10. Contracts
      11. Insurance
    10. Financial Review
      1. General
      2. Cash
      3. Accounts Receivable
      4. Miscellaneous Receivables
      5. Inventories
      6. Property, Plant, and Equipment
      7. Prepaid Expenses, Deferred Charges, and Other Assets
      8. Long‐Term Investments
      9. Intangible Assets
      10. Current Liabilities (Other than Income Taxes)
      11. Deferred Revenue
      12. Income Taxes
      13. Long‐Term Debt
      14. Contingent Liabilities
      15. Commitments
      16. Leases, Franchise, and Royalty Agreements
      17. Capital Stock
      18. Income Statement Accounts
      19. Budgeted and Forecasted Data
      20. Systems
    11. Acquisition Candidate Information
    12. Corporate
    13. General
    14. Financial
      1. Current Year and Historical Results
      2. Revenue
      3. Operating Expenses
      4. Balance Sheet Accounts
      5. Other Accounting Matters
    15. Technology
      1. General
    16. Products
      1. General
    17. Marketing and Sales
      1. General
    18. Legal
      1. General
      2. Regulatory Matters
      3. Material Agreements
      4. Facilities
    19. Taxes
    20. Insurance
      1. General
    21. Human Resources
      1. General
      2. Management
      3. Significant Agreements: Nonmanagement
      4. Employees
      5. Demographics
      6. Issues Management
      7. Safety Matters
      8. Development
      9. Employment Costs
      10. Benefit Plans
  8. 5. Contract and Close
    1. Introduction
      1. Agreement and Supporting Documents
      2. Simultaneous versus Delayed Close
      3. Contract Negotiations
    2. Elements of the Agreement
      1. Property Transfer and Purchase Price Information
      2. Representations and Warranties
        1. Representations and Warranties Common to Buyer and Seller
        2. Additional Buyer Representations and Warranties
        3. Additional Seller Representations and Warranties
      3. Covenants
      4. Conditions
      5. Indemnification
      6. Schedules to the Agreement
    3. Supporting Documents
      1. Noncompete Agreements
        1. General
        2. Legal Status
        3. Enforcement
        4. Tax Aspects
        5. Other Limitations
        6. Negotiation
      2. Employment/Consulting Agreements
      3. Transition Services Agreement
    4. Illustration of Stock Purchase Agreement
    5. Illustration of Stock Purchase Agreement
    6. Article I Purchase and Sale
    7. Article II Purchase Price and Noncompetition Payment
      1. Cash Payment
      2. Noncompetition Payment
      3. Promissory Note
      4. Security
    8. Article III Representations and Warranties of the Seller and the Company
      1. Organization and Good Standing
      2. Corporate Authority
      3. Capitalization of the Company
      4. No Violation of Obligations
      5. Financial Statements of the Company
      6. Assets
      7. Liabilities
      8. Operations since the Financial Statements
      9. Legal Proceedings
      10. Material Agreements
      11. Employees
      12. Compliance with Law
      13. Environmental Compliance
      14. Tax Returns
      15. Insurance
      16. Complete Disclosure
    9. Article IV Representations and Warranties of Buyer
      1. Organization and Qualification of the Buyer
      2. Corporate Authority
      3. No Violation of Obligations
      4. Financial Statements
      5. Liabilities
      6. Compliance with Law
      7. Legal Proceedings
      8. Liens
      9. Securities Compliance
      10. Complete Disclosure
    10. Article V Information and Confidentiality
      1. Provision of Information Relating to Company
      2. Confidentiality
      3. Provision of Information Relating to Buyer
      4. Contacts with Third Parties
    11. Article VI Consulting and Noncompetition Agreements
      1. Consulting Agreement
      2. Noncompetition Covenant
    12. Article VII Conditions to Closing
      1. Seller's Conditions
      2. Buyer's Conditions
    13. Article VIII Closing
      1. Certificates
      2. Company's Legal Opinion
      3. Endorsement of Stock Certificates
      4. Resignation of Seller
      5. Election of New Officers and Directors
      6. Issuance of New Stock Certificate
      7. Purchase Price
      8. Security for Purchase Price
      9. Consulting Agreement
      10. Noncompetition Covenant
      11. Noncompetition Payment
      12. Other Acts
    14. Article IX Termination
      1. Failure to Close
      2. Failure of Condition
      3. Termination by Agreement
    15. Article X Mutual Indemnification
    16. Article XI Postclosing Operations
      1. Release of Seller
      2. Operations in Ordinary Course
      3. Reports
    17. Article XII General Provisions
      1. Survival of Agreement
      2. Notices
      3. Successors and Assigns
      4. Merger
      5. Governing Law
      6. Obligations to Brokers
      7. Modification or Severance
      8. Captions
    18. Illustration of Assets Purchase Agreement
    19. Illustration of Assets Purchase Agreement
    20. Article I Purchase and Sale of Assets
    21. Article II Purchase Price and Noncompetition Payment
      1. Cash Payment
      2. Noncompetition Payment
      3. Promissory Note
      4. Security
    22. Article III Assumption of Liabilities
    23. Article IV Representations and Warranties of the Shareholder and the Seller
      1. Organization and Good Standing
      2. Corporate Authority
      3. No Violation of Obligations
      4. Financial Statements of the Seller
      5. Assets
      6. Liabilities
      7. Operations Since the Financial Statements
      8. Legal Proceedings
      9. Material Agreements
      10. Employees
      11. Compliance with Law
      12. Environmental Compliance
      13. Tax Returns
      14. Insurance
      15. Complete Disclosure
    24. Article V Representations and Warranties of the Buyer
      1. Organization and Qualification of the Buyer
      2. Corporate Authority
      3. No Violation of Obligations
      4. Financial Statements
      5. Liabilities
      6. Compliance with Law
      7. Legal Proceedings
      8. Liens
      9. Complete Disclosure
    25. Article VI Information and Confidentiality
      1. Provision of Information Relating to Seller
      2. Confidentiality
      3. Provision of Information Relating to Buyer
      4. Contacts with Third Parties
    26. Article VII Consulting and Noncompetition Agreements
      1. Consulting Agreement
      2. Noncompetition Covenant
    27. Article VIII Conditions to Closing
      1. Shareholder's and Seller's Conditions
      2. Buyer's Conditions
    28. Article IX Closing
      1. Certificates
      2. Seller's Legal Opinion
      3. Assignment and Bill of Sale
      4. Assignment of Intangibles and Contracts
      5. Assumption of Assumed Liabilities
      6. Purchase Price
      7. Security Agreement
      8. Noncompetition Covenant
      9. Noncompetition Payment
      10. Corporate Authorization
      11. Tax Allocations
      12. Subordination Agreement
      13. Consulting Agreement
      14. Other Acts
    29. Article X Termination
      1. Failure to Close
      2. Failure of Condition
      3. Termination by Agreement
    30. Article XI Mutual Indemnification
    31. Article XII Postclosing Operations
      1. Release of Shareholder
      2. Operations in Ordinary Course
      3. Reports
    32. Article XIII General Provisions
      1. Survival of Agreement
      2. Notices
      3. Successors and Assigns
      4. Merger
      5. Governing Law
      6. Obligations to Brokers
      7. Modification or Severance
      8. Captions
  9. 6. Postacquisition Integration
    1. General
      1. Integration and Synergies
      2. Operational Integration
      3. Importance of Speed of Implementation
    2. Pre–Due Diligence Phase
      1. Integration Leadership
      2. The Team
      3. Preliminary Plan
      4. Cultural Evaluation
    3. Due Diligence Phase
    4. Post–Close Phase
    5. Overview of the Process
    6. Areas of Focus
      1. Human Resources
      2. Facilities
      3. Information Technology
      4. Research and Development and Product Development
      5. Sales
      6. Marketing
      7. Accounting and Reporting Systems
    7. Conclusion
    8. Guidelines for Managers and Executives
    9. Guidelines for Managers and Executives in the Acquiring Firm
    10. Guidelines for Managers and Executives in the Acquired Organization
  10. 7. Financing
    1. Introduction
    2. Business Plans and Their Uses
      1. Importance of Projections
      2. Cash Flow Projections
      3. Business Plan as Validation of the Acquisition Rationale
    3. Financing Resources
      1. Use of Internal Assets
      2. Leveraged Transactions
      3. Seller Financing
      4. Equity and Debt Financing
        1. Allocation of Risk
        2. Importance of Equity
        3. Shopping for Debt
        4. Lender Leverage
        5. Guarantees
        6. Subordination
        7. Forms and Types of Equity
        8. Public Offerings
  11. 8. Sales and Divestitures
    1. Introduction
    2. Sale of an Entire Business
      1. Acquisitions or Mergers of Public Companies
      2. Acquisitions of Privately Held Businesses
        1. Unsolicited Sales
        2. Preparing a Business for Sale
    3. Divestitures
      1. Strategic Divestitures
      2. Financial Divestitures
      3. Predivestiture Issues and Considerations
        1. Delay
        2. Undercommitment of Resources
        3. Infrastructure Integration
        4. Personnel Issues
        5. Hart‐Scott‐Rodino Act
        6. Conclusion
      4. Divestiture Planning
        1. Approval Document
        2. Retention Plan
        3. Creation of the Divestiture Team
        4. Development of the Divestiture Plan
        5. Development of a Communication Plan
      5. Preparing for the Transaction
        1. Engagement of Broker
        2. Engagement of Accounting Firm
        3. Development of Management Presentations
        4. Development of an Offering Document
        5. Identification of Potential Buyers
        6. Preparation of a Data Room
      6. Execution of the Transaction
        1. Announcement of the Prospective Sale
        2. Solicitation of Initial Bids
        3. Managing Due Diligence
        4. Finalization of the Bid Process
        5. Contract Negotiations and Close
    4. Illustrative Divestiture Timeline
  12. 9. Federal Income Taxation of Acquisitions
    1. General
      1. Overview
      2. Ordinary versus Capital Gain or Loss
      3. Nontaxable Transactions
      4. IRS Powers
      5. Buyer‐Seller Conflict
      6. Note of Caution
    2. Taxable Acquisitions
      1. General
      2. Structures of Taxable Asset Acquisitions
      3. Corporate Liquidations
      4. Allocation of Purchase Price in Asset Acquisitions
      5. Gain or Loss of the Seller in Asset Acquisitions
        1. Determining Amount and Character of Gain or Loss
        2. Recapture
        3. Effect on Shareholders of Complete Liquidation after Sale of Assets by a Corporation
      6. Taxable Stock Acquisitions
    3. IRC Section 338
      1. General
      2. Regular Section 338 Election
      3. Section 338(h)(10) Election
    4. Tax‐Free Mergers and Acquisitions
      1. General Concepts and Requirements
      2. Types of Tax‐Free Reorganizations
        1. Type A Reorganization–Statutory Mergers
        2. Type B Reorganizations
          1. Creeping Control
        3. Type C Reorganizations
        4. Type D Reorganizations
          1. Acquisitive Type D Reorganizations
          2. Divisive Type D Reorganization
        5. Hybrid Reorganizations: Triangular Mergers and Reverse Triangular Mergers
          1. Triangular Merger
          2. Reverse Triangular Merger
          3. Continuity Requirement in a Reverse Acquisition
          4. Taking a Corporation Private Qualified as a Reverse Acquisition in Technical Advice Memorandum 9806003
    5. Tax Losses and Tax Credit Carryovers of Acquired Corporations
      1. General
      2. IRC Section 381
      3. IRC Sections 269 and 482
      4. IRC Section 382
        1. General
        2. IRC Section 382 Limitation
      5. IRC Section 383
      6. IRC Section 384
    6. Miscellaneous Tax Considerations
      1. Installment Method of Reporting Gain Not Available to Accrual Method Taxpayers
      2. Expenses of Taxable Acquisitions
      3. Small Business Stock
  13. 10. Purchase Accounting
    1. General Principles of Purchase Accounting
    2. Determining the Cost of an Acquisition
      1. General
      2. Stock Issued in Payment of Purchase Price
      3. Direct Costs of Acquisitions Other than Purchase Price
      4. Premium or Discount
      5. Assets Exchanged
      6. Contingent Consideration
      7. Preacquisition Contingencies
      8. Stock Option Exchanges
    3. Recording Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed
      1. General
      2. Appraisals
      3. Guidelines for Allocating Acquisition Cost to Individual Assets and Liabilities
        1. General
        2. Marketable Securities
        3. Receivables
        4. Inventories
        5. Plant and Equipment
        6. Intangible Assets
        7. Other Assets
        8. Accounts and Notes Payable
        9. Accrued Liabilities
          1. Pension Costs
          2. Vacation Pay and Compensated Absences
        10. Other Liabilities
          1. Costs to Exit an Activity of an Acquired Company
          2. Involuntary Employee Termination Benefits and Relocation Costs
          3. Disclosure
    4. Purchase Accounting in Special Areas
      1. Inventories
        1. Allocation of Acquisition Cost Including Seller's Profit
        2. Inventory Purchased in Separate Contract
        3. Last‐in, First‐Out Inventory
      2. Leases
        1. Unfavorable Leases
        2. Favorable Leases
        3. Lease Classification
        4. Assumption of a Leveraged Lease as Lessor
      3. Preacquisition Contingencies
      4. Foreign Currency Translation
      5. Minority Interests
      6. Purchased In‐Process R&D Costs
      7. Accounting for Acquired Assets That Are to Be Disposed Of
      8. Intangible Assets and Goodwill at Acquisition Date
      9. Intangible Assets and Goodwill after Acquisition Date
      10. Reporting Units
      11. Effective Dates and Transition for Statements 141 and 142
    5. Income Tax Accounting
      1. General
      2. Deferred Taxes
        1. General
        2. Deferred Taxes in Goodwill Situations
        3. Deferred Taxes in Negative Goodwill Situations
      3. Postacquisition Recognition of Net Operating Loss and Tax Credit Carryforwards
      4. Goodwill
      5. Aggressive Tax Positions
      6. Miscellaneous
        1. Identifiable Intangibles
        2. LIFO Inventories
        3. Tax Rates
      7. Effects of Consolidated Tax Implications
    6. Record Keeping for Purchase Accounting Acquisitions
    7. Financial Reporting of a Purchase Acquisition
    8. Illustrations of Purchase Accounting
      1. Positive Goodwill Situation
      2. Negative Goodwill Situation
  14. 11. Securities and Exchange Commission and Other Regulatory Requirements
    1. Overview of Regulatory Environment
    2. Securities Law Requirements upon Merger or Acquisition
      1. Primary Filing Requirements
      2. Private Sale Exemptions
        1. Size of Offer
        2. Relationship to Issuer
        3. Secondary Distribution
      3. Form S‐1 Filings
      4. Form S‐4 Filings
    3. Solicitation and Preparation of Proxies
      1. General
      2. Information Included in Proxy Statements
    4. Tender Offers
      1. General
      2. Purchase of Own Securities
        1. Purchase during a Third‐Party Tender Offer
        2. Other Self‐Tenders
        3. Financial Statement Requirements
      3. Third‐Party Tender Offers
        1. Tender Offer Commencement
        2. Financial Statements of Certain Bidders
    5. SEC Financial Reporting Requirements
      1. Historical Financial Statements of Registrants
      2. Historical Financial Statements of Acquired Entities
      3. Probable Acquisitions
      4. Periods to Be Presented
      5. Acquisitions of Individually Insignificant Subsidiaries
      6. What Constitutes a Business
      7. Stock Exchange Requirements
      8. Pro Forma Financial Statements
        1. Article 11 Presentation of Pro Forma Information
        2. Multiple Presentation for Some Transactions
      9. Unique Situations Involving IPOs
      10. Significant Foreign Equity Investees and Acquired Foreign Businesses of Domestic Issuers
      11. Foreign Private Issuers
      12. SEC Staff Position on Financial Statements of Businesses Acquired or to Be Acquired
    6. Antitrust Regulations
    7. Other Regulations
      1. Blue Sky Laws
      2. ERISA Filings
      3. IRS Rulings
      4. Other Filings
    8. Significant SEC Regulatory and Accounting Pronouncements

Product information

  • Title: Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Author(s): William Gole, Joseph Morris
  • Release date: April 2007
  • Publisher(s): Wiley
  • ISBN: 9780470042427