A work product is an artefact of interest for the endeavour. Work products are partitioned into work product kinds by the WorkProductKind class according to the nature of their contents and the intention behind their usage.

Five subtypes of WorkProductKind are covered by this notation: DocumentKind, ModelKind, SoftwareltemKind, HardwareltemKind and CompositeWorkPro-ductKind. All of them are represented by vertically-oriented symbols. The former four correspond to “simple” work products, and therefore they are represented by more or less simple rectangular shapes with different adornments. Compos-iteWorkProductKind, on the other hand, uses a symbol that tries to convey a sensation of depth to represent multiplicity.


This is an abstract class, depicted by an abstract symbol (a vertically oriented rectangle). Line colour is red and fill colour is very light pink – see Figure 10 in the colour plate section.


The name of the work product kind is shown inside the symbol, centred. This symbol captures the overall shape used for concrete types of work product kinds.


A document is a durable depiction of a fragment of reality. Documents are partitioned into document kinds by the DocumentKind class according to their structure, type of content and purpose.

The symbol used to depict a document kind is a vertical rectangle with a dogeared top right ...

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