Chapter 8Metaversed Markets

I know that the future is scary at times.

But there's just no escaping it.

—Ernest Cline, Armada

At this time, it is highly unlikely for anyone to grasp the full impact of the metaverse. “We're on the verge of being disrupted by more than two dozen technologies … ‘a tsunami’ of emerging technologies,” says Raja Rajamannar, Mastercard's Chief Marketing and Communications Officer.1 We're talking about an absolutely new dimension in our lives, a new ecosystem where new behaviors will breed new ways to work, do business and to live.

In order to present you with a vision of the major transformations ahead, we'll first take a look at what is being done already inside the metaverse building blocks. If you come across someone who is just learning about the metaverse, they tend to believe that its impact will be felt only on gaming platforms or social networks; or some may add Web3 platforms into the mix. But the transformation about to occur will happen across every industry.

Our goal with this chapter is to expand the general understanding of the impact of metaverse. We will look across vertical markets and offer insights on their current and upcoming transformations. There is no doubt that you are the expert when it comes to your job or business, and you will be tempted to skip ahead to your particular industry. But, in doing so, you will miss out on how other use cases could apply to your own. Sometimes, innovation happens when you take something from ...

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