Chapter 8. The Static Contract Pitfall
All microservices have contracts between the service consumers and the microservice. A contract usually contains a schema specifying the expected input and output data, and sometimes the name of the operation (depending on how you are implementing your service). Contracts are usually owned by the service, and can be represented through formats like XML, JSON, or even a Java or C# object. And of course, those contracts never change, right? Wrong.
The static contract pitfall occurs when you fail to version your service contracts from the very start, or even not at all. Contract versioning is absolutely critical for not only avoiding breaking changes (changing a contract and breaking all consumers using that contract), but also to maintain agility by supporting backward compatibility.
Here’s an example that illustrates how you can get into trouble by not versioning your contracts. Assume you have a microservice that is accessed by three different clients (client 1, client 2, and client 3). Client 1 would like to make a change to the service contract right away. You check with client 2 and client 3 to see if they can accommodate the change, and both clients inform you that it will take weeks to implement that change due to other things going on with those clients. Now you must inform client 1 that it will take weeks to make that change because you need to coordinate the update with clients 2 and 3. However, client 1 cannot wait weeks.
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