Chapter 10. Give It a Rest Pitfall
Using REST is by far the most popular choice for accessing microservices and communicating between services. It’s so common a choice that most of the popular template frameworks (e.g., DropWizard, Spring Boot, etc.) have REST access already built into the service templates. If REST is such a popular choice, then why is it a pitfall? The give it a rest pitfall is about using REST as the only communication protocol and ignoring the power of messaging to enhance your microservices architecture. For example, in a RESTful microservices architecture, how would you handle asynchronous communications? What about the need for broadcast capabilities? What do you do if you need to manage multiple remote RESTful calls within a transactional unit of work?
There are two types of messaging standards you should be aware of when considering using messaging for your microservices architecture—platform-specific standards and platform-independent standards. Platform-specific standards include the JMS for the Java platform and MSMQ for the .NET platform. Both describe a standard API used within the platform, independent of the messaging provider (vendor) you are using. For example, in the Java platform you can swap out brokers (e.g., ActiveMQ, HornetQ, etc.) with no API changes. While the API is standard and remains the same, it’s the underlying proprietary protocol between these brokers that is different (which is why you need to have the same client JAR and server ...
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