© Cloves Carneiro Jr. and Tim Schmelmer 2016

Cloves Carneiro Jr. and Tim Schmelmer, Microservices From Day One, 10.1007/978-1-4842-1937-9_5

5. Defining APIs

Cloves CarneiroJr. and Tim Schmelmer2

(1)Hollywood, Florida, USA

(2)Broomfield, Colorado, USA

This chapter will introduce approaches and tools for describing your services' APIs in a machine-readable format. First we will introduce the concepts behind Interface Definition Languages (IDLs) and will briefly introduce a number of such languages. Next, we will introduce the Swagger IDL framework and its associated tool chain in more detail, and we will conclude the chapter by illustrating how to use Swagger to define the APIs of one of the services in our bookstore application.

Interface Definition ...

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