© Cloves Carneiro Jr. and Tim Schmelmer 2016

Cloves Carneiro Jr. and Tim Schmelmer, Microservices From Day One, 10.1007/978-1-4842-1937-9_7

7. Optimizing Your APIs

Cloves CarneiroJr. and Tim Schmelmer2

(1)Hollywood, Florida, USA

(2)Broomfield, Colorado, USA

This chapter establishes guidelines and rules of thumb for designing and implementing APIs with a special focus on performance and maintainability. The majority of the techniques described here can be used to address and—if applied at design time—avoid performance degradation, while others can help to optimize overall service-related implementation and support costs.

Measuring Performance

The great American engineer and statistician W. Edwards Deming has been credited with the quote:

In God we ...

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