© Cloves Carneiro Jr. and Tim Schmelmer 2016

Cloves Carneiro Jr. and Tim Schmelmer, Microservices From Day One, 10.1007/978-1-4842-1937-9_9

9. Testing with Services

Cloves CarneiroJr. and Tim Schmelmer2

(1)Hollywood, Florida, USA

(2)Broomfield, Colorado, USA

Automated testing is crucial in any software development project. Manually testing a system built from microservices is tedious and error-prone. In some cases, it is well-nigh impossible to test all the possible failure modes by simply exercising the application through exploratory tests executed by human QA personnel. Automating these tests will save hours of time, and it will prevent those bugs that could cost your business millions in profits.

Testing becomes even more important in a microservices ...

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