Chapter 4
Zooming In on Teams
Finding your way around the buttons, icons, and menus in Teams
Working on a document with multiple people at the same time
Fostering a humanistic workplace by using Teams features and functionalities
The way we run business today is very different from 20 years ago. The global availability of the Internet, the proliferation of mobile devices, the explosion of cloud computing, and the impacts of the global pandemic have forced the evolution of our workforce and our work styles.
To be successful as a business and as a workforce today requires more collaboration, real-time communication, and immediate access to critical information while ensuring online safety. Teamwork is no longer a buzzword for big corporations and sports teams — it is now the language for getting work done in small businesses and even for solo entrepreneurs.
I think we can all agree the amount of time we spend “collaborating” has greatly increased. Microsoft has determined from all the signals it’s received from Microsoft Teams that meetings have more than doubled globally (
). I know for sure I contributed ...
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