Chapter 14
Goodbye Hard Drive, Hello OneDrive
Taking your files whereover you go and leaving the clunky workstation at home
Saving files in OneDrive and moving to SharePoint (or not)
Protecting your sanity from versioning nightmares with link sharing
Change is hard. I know because in all the high-impact, large-scale (some global) transformational projects I’ve either lead or participated in, there is always a group of laggards who, no matter how much you sell them the benefits of the transformation, dig their heels in and refuse to adopt the change. Described as “those wary of new technology” by Everett M. Rogers in his book Diffusion of Innovations, laggards are hard to win over unless you manage to overcome the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” adage.
It came as no surprise to me then when several of my coworkers managed to operate under the radar while continuing to save files to their hard drives months after our IT department rolled out OneDrive as the official storage location for company files. I don’t blame them. The early version of the OneDrive sync tool was buggy and unreliable.
As it turns out, the quickest way to convince a laggard to adopt OneDrive ...
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