Welcome to Microsoft Access Small Business Solutions: State-of-the-Art Database Models for Sales, Marketing, Customer Management, and More Key Business Activities.
Every small-business owner knows how important effective databases are to successful sales, marketing, and customer management strategies. Our goal is to provide you with both a structured learning process and functional database models so that you can create and modify solutions that will work best for your specific needs.
This book and companion CD provide and explain 31 database models that are ready to be incorporated into your solutions. They were created by an unparalleled team of 10 Access MVPs as the authors, contributors and technical editors with over 100 years of combined experience of working with Access. Their expertise, passion for Access, and dedication to the community have earned them recognition as being among the top Access experts in the world.
Access is increasingly used by small businesses to track vital information and more effectively and profitably manage those businesses, and this book is written to help with that effort. It will help employees and consultants who may lack expertise in relational database modeling, but who need to quickly develop a database solution.
One of the biggest challenges to any software solution is to identify and address the specific needs of the people and processes involved. That is where this book comes in. A properly designed database does more than record ...
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