Building and Executing Your Big Data Plan
- Getting Sponsor and Stakeholder Buy-in
- Identifying Technical Challenges
- Identifying Operational Challenges
- Monitoring Your Solution Post-deployment
Understanding that you need to look at your data infrastructure and reevaluate how you are handling certain sets of data today and in the future is one thing; actually identifying a project and then getting executive sponsor buy-in is another. In most organizations, many opportunities exist for improvement; it's often difficult to find the one opportunity that demonstrates what a new technology or approach can do for an organization while at the same time providing a reasonable return on investment (ROI). In this chapter, we weave throughout the challenges of building and executing your big data plan. Specifically, the chapter begins by looking at how to gain buy-in from sponsors and stakeholders. Then, you learn about technical and operational challenges and how to overcome them. The chapter concludes with a discussion about what you need to do after you've deployed your solution, including how to plan for its growth.
Gaining Sponsor and Stakeholder Buy-in
One of the most difficult things to do when evaluating a new technology is choosing the project. Those of us who come from a technical background tend to look at most projects from that technical angle. ...
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