Appendix A. Common Character Sets
ANSI Character Set
Character | Unicode Value (Hex) | ANSI code (decimal) | Description |
NUL | 0000 | 0 | Null |
SOH | 0001 | 1 | Start of heading |
STX | 0002 | 2 | Start of text |
ETX | 0003 | 3 | End of text |
EOT | 0004 | 4 | End of transmission |
ENQ | 0005 | 5 | Enquiry |
ACK | 0006 | 6 | Acknowledge |
BEL | 0007 | 7 | Bell |
BS | 0008 | 8 | Backspace |
HT | 0009 | 9 | Horizontal tabulation |
LF | 000A | 10 | Line feed |
VT | 000B | 11 | Vertical tabulation |
FF | 000C | 12 | Form feed |
CR | 000D | 13 | Carriage return |
SO | 000E | 14 | Shift out |
SI | 000F | 15 | Shift in |
DLE | 0010 | 16 | Data link escape |
DC1 | 0011 | 17 | Device control 1 |
DC2 | 0012 | 18 | Device control 2 |
DC3 | 0013 | 19 | Device control 3 |
DC4 | 0014 | 20 | Device control 4 |
NAK | 0015 | 21 | Negative acknowledge |
SYN | 0016 | 22 | Synchronous idle |
ETB | 0017 | 23 | End of transmission block |
CAN | 0018 | 24 | Cancel |
EM | 0019 | 25 | End of medium |
SUB | 001A | 26 | Substitute |
ESC | 001B | 27 | Escape |
FS | 001C | 28 | File separator |
GS | 001D | 29 | Group separator |
RS | 001E ... |
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